June 2019 * Solstice Reading for the Writing Collective

Is your commitment to your writing path being tested? If so, this reading might be for you.

Two of Pentacles: You’ve been juggling all your must do’s with your want to do’s for so long now. You’re understandably tired. You never say it out loud, but you’ve often wondered if you should just walk away.

Lovers: Some of you have been searching near and far for your tribe of like-minded writers. And some of you are lost in the search for The One (the perfect agent or publisher who will propose to you)  But you’ve been burned a few too many times and your walls are up, aren’t they? Maybe subconsciously. But sometimes you wonder if you even have a writing family. You wonder if anyone will ever see you. You always thought the writer in the garret was just a stereotype. Are you going to do this alone forever?

Ace of Pentacles: You’re on your soul path. Your purpose and values are aligning. You’re putting in the work. But where is the money? You can’t let go of the idea that earning a certain income from your writing might mean you could let go of some of the balls in your juggling act. It might mean more time to write and connect with other writers. But did you know that a preoccupation with resources might actually be stopping up your creative flow.

Your fear is a test. Do not just push it under the rug. Decide to face it, get to know it, learn where it came from, and do things differently bit by bit.

The Chariot says pick a path, get on it, and keep moving forward. The fastest route is straight through. Every time you let fear stop you or reroute you, you rob yourself of the forward momentum that you need to propel yourself through the fear. There is nothing wrong with taking a break if you must attend to something else or to solve a problem, but bring your focus back as soon as possible to maintain momentum.

The Emperor says you are The One who is responsible for your destiny. No doubt a team supporting you behind the scenes would help, but don’t put yourself in the position of waiting around for anyone’s approval or permission or blessing to do what you’re called to do. This is your life. You call the shots here. Thinking you’re alone (and that that’s a bad thing) becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. You alone are enough, and when you start showing up in this kind of energy, that’s when you’ll find your team.

Justice urges you to be honest with yourself about the present and to use common sense when it comes to your resources. This is about living in the now when you have a dream. It’s one thing to be clear about your desire to earn your living as a writer, you can’t make it a reality if you don’t ever let yourself want it. But it’s a whole other thing to decide to live in a constant state of worry and woe because that dream hasn’t manifested yet. Allowing yourself to be in a state of woe blocks your creative flow. To open back up, start with gratitude for what you have: a job that pays the bills while you follow your dreams.

Fear and uncertainty are always going to be a part of the equation. The test is what you make that mean about yourself and how you decide to take action from there. You can transform from a dreamer into a doer, and that’s when things start to get really exciting in your outer world.

Stay committed to your writing path, no matter what life throws your way. I hope this energy reading has been supportive for you. A general reading won’t speak to everyone, so please take what resonates with you and leave the rest.

All my best wishes,

#moonologyoracle #viceversatarot