Back to Work

Neglecting the blog inevitably means I’m neglecting the writing. And that just blows, to be honest. I’ve kind of given up even trying to find the time to write, and you know what? It’s not working for me. At all. I’m not finding more hours in my day for other things I need to be doing. I’m not less stressed out. I’m not even enjoying myself more. So nose back to the grindstone. I’m gonna try to get back into my rewrites, sooner rather than later.

3 Replies to “Back to Work”

  1. I&#39;ve been avoiding my work for a few weeks now. After a death in the family and other unexpected news, I&#39;ve been too stressed to think and/or write. I&#39;m trying to get back on track, too. :-(<br /><br />I wish I were one of those writers who channels stres into words, but I&#39;m not. I shut down. Argh.

  2. I feel your pain. Trying to find time to write when you&#39;re really busy can be impossible. The harsh truth is we just have to do it, no questions asked, no excuses made. Don&#39;t stop writing. You obviously have passion about it, so follow your heart and let your fingers do some walking on the keyboard as often as possible.


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